National Body Care Day 2024

TODAY IS #NationalBodyCareDay…so allow me to put on my hat as Madame Turquo!se – Tantric Shaman Practitioner. Do you have a habit or practice of listening to and honoring your body? Many times, we respond to the things that are going on with our minds but it is also important to learn how to listen to our bodies.

Days like this make me think of The Mediativist – Jerome Paige as he often reminds us to “note what comes up” and “note the noter”. While my teacher – Shamanic Mystic Maisha Najuma Aza reminds us to note what comes up in your body and take action from there (I am paraphasing both because it more involved but the main idea is PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR BODY). So today, I implore you to do something for your body…something that restores and replenishes you or something that teaches you something you did not know.

I would also be remiss if I did not mention that we are in the energy of planetary retrogrades (Mercury is definitely in retrograde as well as a host of other planets) and have a solar eclipse approaching. Whether you subscribe to these ideals or not, you are affected so treat yourself with grace.

Wishing you the best. I love you all and wish you the best.

Madame Turquoise

Madame Turquoise

High Priestess of the Cs

Curvy Style, Creativity, Culture, Color, Conjure

Howard U Alum | #AlphaMade πŸ”ΊπŸ˜|
Daughter of the Diaspora 🌍